The writing contest launched by the Plart Foundation started on November 11 to encourage creativity and promote dialogue between different artistic languages. Just as the Covid-19 emergency forces us to slow down our pace, “Raccontami…” (“Tell me…”) aims to keep the imaginative faculty of adolescents awake by inviting them to observe a series of objects from our collection to write stories with a happy ending. The recipients of the initiative are fourth and fifth year high school students in the city of Naples. The works will be examined by a jury made up of personalities from the world of art, design and culture. The prize for the winning story is the creation of a multimedia product curated by the Plart freely drawn from the text.
Participation is free of charge. The deadline is set for December 14, 2020.
You can download the announcement and the application form.
For information: competition@plart.it | 081 19565703 | 081 19565726
Contact person Anna Petrazzuolo