The Foundation

Art, Design, and Multimedia meet in the Plart Foundation, a center of excellence that, since 2008, looks at design innovation as a key to creating and disseminating unprecedented cultural experiences.

Through a multisciplinary approach, it aims to tell the complexity of our present, with the gaze always aimed at exploring the future. Its spaces host an interactive hub in which the most diverse forms of creativity converge, thanks to the involvement of an eclectic group of professionals – architects, designers, artists, restorers and conservators, art historians, chemists, and journalists – from Italy and the world.

The Foundation lives as a dynamic forge, moving between the attention at international level towards new expressions of experimental design and the great research work around non-polluting materials, the problems of conservation and restoration, and more and more of sustainability, thus representing a “hub for creative sustainability”.

In the two locations in Naples and Turin, since 2020, one of the most original permanent collections of historical plastics in the world is displayed, flanked by a rich program of exhibitions, immersive multimedia installations, workshops, laboratories, performances and training projects, which develop through the teaching of innovation and the desire to amaze.


Prof. Arch. Luigi Bistagnino

Polytechnic of Turin

Prof.ssa Giovanna Cassese

Chairman of ISIA Faenza

Prof.ssa Arch. Cecilia Cecchini

La Sapienza University

Prof. Giuseppe Furlanis

Chairman of Consiglio Nazionale per l’Alta Formazione Artistica

Maestro Mimmo Jodice


Prof. Luigi Nicolais

Chairman of Fondazione Real Sito di Carditello

Dott.ssa Anty Pansera

Design critic and historian

Prof. Arch. Pierpaolo Peruccio

Polytechnic of Turin

Dott.ssa Rosanna Purchia

Special Commissioner Teatro Regio Torino

Prof. Nicola Spinosa

Former Superintendent of Polo Museale di Napoli


Salvatore Paliotto

Honorary Chairman

Maria Pia Incutti


Rossella Paliotto

General Manager, Member of the Board

Umberto Paliotto

Member of the Board

Flavio Ponticello

Member of the Board

Alex Cepernich

Member of the Board